Open Design, IP and Creative Commons licences


This will be a legal talk that will: 1. Analyze the types of Intellectual Property rights involved in design products; 2. Focus on two of them, that at the moment look the most important: copyright and design rights; 3. Offer a European legal perspective; and 4. Analyze if and how current licences such as Creative Commons can be applied to design products, and if not what are the alternatives. After the presentation, open-designers can freely ask about legal aspects of their activity, and Thomas and other lawyers present will try to find answers as they can vary depending on the relevant jurisdiction.

Session Host



Thomas Margoni, Institute for Information Law (IViR), University of Amsterdam, Creative Commons NL, Netherlands


Dr. Thomas Margoni is a senior researcher at the Institute for Information Law (IViR) at the University of Amsterdam.His research focus concentrates on the relationship between law (primarily copyright and patents) and new technologies (including computer and bio-technology) areas in which he has published extensively. Some publications available at Website:


Location: MAKE auditorium

Date & Time: Wed 19th, 14:00-15:30

Target Group: Open designers, lawyers

Topic Stream: Open Design, Hardware, Manufacturing and Making

Session Etherpad page: