Invisible Learning Roleplay

Description (workshop CANCELLED)

Participants can attend live on location or virtually from a distance. This is a playful competition between small groups. The workshop begins with a brief familiarization with invisible learning as context and mindset for the game. The teams will get a task including co-creating a solution to a practical case related with future school. Teams are encouraged to use all possible open virtual tools and networks to help in their work. The results will be published as a real-time open collection for further development.

Please register in advance using this form. Deadline for registration is Monday 10 September.

Session Host

Anne Rongas, Pedapoint, Finland, @arongas,


Several people will be running the role play. Details will be added later.


The hosts have organized similar strategic, pedagogical roleplays in high profile events to educatos, principals, and policy makers.



Target Group: Anyone interested in education and learning

Topic Stream: Open Research and Education

Session Etherpad page: link