Tom Betts / ixi / Adam Hoyle / Golan Levin / Alex McLean + Adrian Ward / Anthony Rowe / Andrew Shoben / Alexei Shulgin /

Alexei Shulgin is a Moscow based artist, musician, curator, activist and professor. In his work he explores the boundaries between art, culture and technology in their relation to 'real life' effects and vice versa. His favorite methods are mixing contexts and questioning the existing states of things. Shulgin has participated in numerous exhibitions and symposiums on photography, contemporary art and new media.

386 DX
In his talk Alexei Shulgin will reveal the 386 DX cyberpunk band's 'back-end' and will talk about its development history, the underlying concepts and associated issues. You will learn how to teach a computer to sing and have a chance to reflect once again on technology's impact on culture and society.

386 DX is the world's first Cyberpunk Rock Band. Both sounds of musical instruments and vocals are synthesized by one computer using text-to-speech and midi software. It was invented and developed by Alexei Shulgin from1999 - 2001. Over 80 concerts have been played in many different locations in Europe, Asia, Australia and the USA with great success. The band also performs in public spaces as a street musician [with no perator, in pre-programmed mode].

1988 Founded 'Immediate Photography' group
1994 Created electronic photogallery "Hot Pictures" on the Internet
1995 Founded Moscow WWW Art Centre
1997 Invented Form Art
1997 Started Easylife.org site
1998 Founded 386 DX cyberpunk rockband
1999 Webmaster at FUFME, Inc.
2000 Professor at Pro Arte Institute, St. Petersburg
2002 Curator of Read_Me software art festival, Moscow

386 DX



© The Media Centre 2002