signal | process workshop (Finland)

For artists working with sound technologies ‘signal processing’ is a familiar concept which refers to the ways in which we mechanically or electronically manipulate an audio signal to change the sounds we hear. But how is sound involved in the social processes and signals we send each other in public spaces? And what kinds of signal processing attenuate and amplify the flows of movement and information that emerge in different kinds of public spaces? - physical, municipal, networks and broadcast spaces.

Andrew Paterson (UK/FI), Annika Tudeer (FI), David Knight (UK/FI), Inari Virmakoski (FI), Jodi Rose (AU), John Evans (UK/FI), John Hopkins (IS), Joni Lyytikäinen (FI), Kalle Jarva (FI), Maria Tjader (FI), Marianne Decoster-Taivalkoski (FR/FI), Sirpa Jokinen (FI), Teemu Kivikangas (FI), Tommi Autio (FI)

signal | process is a collaboration between Centre for Music & Technology, MUU Media and PixelACHE Festival.

See for more information and updates about public activities.



