Parliament Under Construction (Finland)

Proposals for a new look for the Parliament House.

Parliament House and its surroundings are a nationally important entity. The development of this area has for a long time been a subject for fierce debates. One of the debates was the pink fence around the construction site of Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma, which according to some opinions was undermining the status of the Parliament House.

The students of the Turku Art Academy Digital Arts-program have not been afraid to be provocative when designing proposals to redesign the Parliament House area. The Parliament House has been turned into a casino, covered with game money and the ruins of the Parliament House appear as a tourist attraction.

The designs are presented as transparent slides attached to the windows on Kiasma ground floor. Through the windows the audience can see the real Parliament House and compare it with the new versions.

Workshop is hosted by media artist Kristian Simolin

Workshop participants: Janne Pellotsalo, Aleksi Hyvönen, Oskari Inkinen, Antti Hahkala, Tomi Sosunov, Heikki Sillanpää, Katarina Hellström, Satu-Maria Jokinen, Mikko Kautto, Heta Nieminen, Jenny Rinta-Kanto, Ville Heikkilä




