BrandBody (Finland)

Time to pump some iron. Sit on the workout bench facing the mirror, grab the bar hanging above you and begin your exercise. Your brands are your gestures, expose them daily. Consumption is an obligation, Happy Consumer! Show some discipline!

My inspiration for Brandbody comes from an idea of brands resembling a gesture in that they broadcast our position and status in the society. In order to be accepted in his society, one has to not only act as a law-abiding citizen, but also as an active consumer. Consumption, i.e. using, wearing and exhibiting brands, has emerged from the idea of a free choice but ended in an obligatory civil activity. The omnipresent doubt and concern of one's status and acceptance keeps him alert and willing to contribute through the one and only act of duty, consumption. Brands grow useful and meaningful for the consumer when they are used regularly. Thus, brands generate a self-controlled and self-disciplined bond between the individual and the consumer society.

Brandbody v2.0 is an interactive media installation. The installation consists of a mirror and a custom made workout bench. An exhibition visitor sits down facing the mirror and begins the workout. By pulling a bar above him, he sees his upper body projected with video material. The projected media and the soundscape are directly controlled by the exercise carried out by the visitor. The speed and tempo of the pull and the obedience to the program, controls the continuation of the program.

The user and the possible accompanying visitors will see this visual content as "worn on" the user. The image we want to portray of ourselves is vital to our relationship with brands. The awareness of being watched and evaluated by other visitors is an important factor in the Brandbody experience.

Brandbody is a project by Tuomo Tammenpää [FI]
assistance: Seppo Tammenpää
thanks to Sari Kippilä and Teppo Asikainen

Supported by Arts Council of Finland and TILAMEDIA



