Usman Haque (United Kingdom)

Usman Haque designs interactive architecture systems and researches how people relate to each other and their spaces. He has created responsive projection environments, interactive installations, digital interface devices and choreographed performances. He is a former partner in architecture practice Pletts Haque and teaches at the Bartlett School of Architecture. He has been a researcher at the Interaction Design Institute Ivrea, Italy, artist-in-residence at the International Academy of Media Arts and Sciences, Japan and has also worked in USA, Malaysia and UK. His work has been exhibited at the Institute of Contemporary Arts (London), Ars Electronica (Austria), the Hillside Gallery (Tokyo), the Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography, Fabrica gallery, Brighton and Plymouth Arts Centre. His interactive and telecommunications projects have appeared in several magazines and journals including Artifice, Art and Architecture, Archis, Wired Online, WebMaster' magazine, .net magazine, ZDNet, The Architects' Journal and the RIBA Journal. Further information please refer to




